Passwords are a part of our every day life. It is no wonder they are under such scrutiny, with many breaches focusing on them. We all know how to manage our passwords, or at least we should by now. We know that we should change our passwords every once in a while, especially if we believe they may have been a part of a recent breach. What about those access tokens?
Access tokens are typically used by your mobile devices to access your account without the need for you to enter in your username and password every time. In some situations, you may have to create an app password for your mobile device if you are using 2-factor authentication. This is because most applications still don’t support the 2-factor model. Instead, you create an application password and use that with your application.
Depending on your system, the management of these app passwords or tokens can vary quite a bit. In this post, I want to focus on how the ideal solution may work. First, the access tokens and the user’s password should not be related in any way. The closest they come to any relation is that they both provide authentication to the same application. This purpose here is that the compromise of one, does not compromise the other. While getting access to an access token may give me access to the account, it should not give me access to the password. If you are thinking that the access to the account means I could change the password, let me stop you right there. A good system would require the current password to be able to change the password. So this should be prohibited.
In the same vein, getting access to the account password should not lead to the compromise of the account’s access tokens. In a good system, there should be a way to manage these tokens, but that management should not include the ability to view existing tokens. Instead, that functionality is used to revoke an access token. In the instance of an application password (2-factor), you may also have the ability to create a new application password. This would still not give access to the existing password or token values.
So the question posed, or implied: If you change your account password, should that invalidate your devices?
If there is truly no relationship between the two items, and one doesn’t effect the other, then there may not be a reason to invalidate everything for every password change. As a good friend likes to always say, “what is the problem we are trying to solve?” So what is the problem? Let’s look at a few scenarios:
User just wanted to change their password
It is not unusual for a user to want to change their password. They may have even forgotten it. In this case, if the password and access tokens are unrelated, I don’t see a big risk around the access tokens that may have been created for other devices. The password should be completely separate from the access tokens and the change should have no impact to the mobile devices.
User’s password was leaked in a recent breach
This scenario is very similar to the one above. However, if an account has been compromised, it makes sense to review the devices that have been granted access and remove any that should not be there. The account compromise should not lead to the compromise of the access tokens already generated, but may enable the creation, or addition, of access tokens for new devices.
User’s device was lost or stolen
Something no one wants to think about, their device getting lost or stolen. In this case, the specific device’s access token has probably been compromised. This shouldn’t lead to a compromise of the user’s actual password. Like the above example, there should be a way for the user to log into their account and revoke access to that specific device, or worst case, all devices.
Should we, or shouldn’t we?
I don’t think there is an exact answer here. I think if done right, the two pieces are separate and stand alone. What happens to one, shouldn’t have an effect on the other. Unfortunately, that is not how things work in the real world. If you are a developer or architect designing these systems, take the time to consider these questions. Understand how your applications work, how the authentication pieces fit together, and how that will all tie together for the user experience. It may make sense to reset everything every time. On the flip side, it shouldn’t have to if designed properly. Remember the question: “What are we trying to solve?”
Application security is moving at a rapid pace, and it is great to see these types of topics coming up. As we start to raise more questions, we start to have more discussions. Share your feedback with us about this topic. Are there concerns that should be raised? Are there risks that should be considered? Share your thoughts with out on Twitter (@developsec).
Jardine Software helps companies get more value from their application security programs. Let’s talk about how we can help you.
James Jardine is the CEO and Principal Consultant at Jardine Software Inc. He has over 15 years of combined development and security experience. If you are interested in learning more about Jardine Software, you can reach him at or @jardinesoftware on twitter.
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