While browsing through the news I noticed an article talking about the Tinder mobile app and a privacy concern. You can read the article at https://www.consumerreports.org/privacy/tinder-app-security-flaws-put-users-privacy-at-risk/. To summarize what is considered the issue is that the mobile application does not transmit the photos that you see using HTTPS. This means that anyone on the same connection can see the traffic and, ultimately, see the photos you are presented. From my … [Read more...] about Tinder Mobile Take-Aways
New Year’s Resolutions
Here we are, the start of another year. As we reflect on 2017, this is where we really start to focus on what lies ahead in 2018. The new year is always interesting because it usually doesn't affect our build cycles or releases. With the exception of accounting for vacations. Yet, this is the time of year where many people get re-focused and motivated to change old habits or try something new. Listen to the Podcast: As I look back on 2017, there were a lot of news headlines that focused … [Read more...] about New Year’s Resolutions
XSS in a Script Tag
Cross-site scripting is a pretty common vulnerability, even with many of the new advances in UI frameworks. One of the first things we mention when discussing the vulnerability is to understand the context. Is it HTML, Attribute, JavaScript, etc.? This understanding helps us better understand the types of characters that can be used to expose the vulnerability. In this post, I want to take a quick look at placing data within a <script> tag. In particular, I want to look at how embedded … [Read more...] about XSS in a Script Tag
Equifax Take-aways
By now, you must have heard about the Equifax breach that may have affected up to 143 million records of user people's information. At this point, I don't think they can confirm exactly how many records were actually compromised, leading to going with the larger of the numbers just to be safe. While many are quick to jump to conclusions and attempt to Monday morning quarterback what they did or didn't do to get breached, I like to focus on what we can learn for our own organizations. There are a … [Read more...] about Equifax Take-aways
JavaScript in an HREF or SRC Attribute
The anchor (<a>) HTML tag is commonly used to provide a clickable link for a user to navigate to another page. Did you know it is also possible to set the HREF attribute to execute JavaScript. A common technique is to use the onclick event of the anchor tab to execute a JavaScript method when the user clicks the link. However, to stop the browser from actually redirecting the HREF can be set to javascript:void(0);. This cancels the HREF functionality and allows the JavaScript from the … [Read more...] about JavaScript in an HREF or SRC Attribute
Understanding Your Application Platform
Building applications today includes the use of some pretty impressive platforms. These platforms have so much built in capability, many of the most common tasks are easily accomplished through simple method calls. As developers, we rely on these frameworks to provide a certain level of functionality. Much of which we may never even use. When it comes to security, the platform can be a love/hate relationship. On the one hand, developers may have little control over how the platform handles … [Read more...] about Understanding Your Application Platform