I came across an interesting post on twitter the other day (https://twitter.com/suffert/status/567486188383379456) that depicts a sidewalk with a sign indicating what wasn't allowed on the sidewalk. You have seen these before: NO bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates, scooters. In the information technology sector, this is known as a black list; a list that defines what is NOT allowed or permitted. You can see black lists all over the place, input validation, output encoding, … [Read more...] about Black Lists and White Lists: Overview
Sensitive Data and Storage Issues
Do you know what constitutes sensitive data in your organization? How about in your state or industry? As developers or business analysts we often do not follow the nitty gritty details of sensitive information regulations or laws. Not that we don't want to enforce them, but often times I think we often just don't know about them. It is often thought that the CIO, CISO or a privacy officer is responsible for understanding our data and to what level it needs to be protected. I completely … [Read more...] about Sensitive Data and Storage Issues
Verizon Email API Insecure Direct Object Reference Thoughts and Takeaways
It was recently announced that there was a flaw identified (and since fixed) in the Verizon API that allowed access to Verizon customer email accounts. The way this worked was that there was an ID parameter with the email account's user ID specified. If a user supplied a different user's ID name, that user's email account would be returned. This is known as an Insecure Direct Object Reference. It was also found that the attacker could not only read another user's email, but also send email … [Read more...] about Verizon Email API Insecure Direct Object Reference Thoughts and Takeaways
OneStopParking Breach Thoughts and Takeaways
It was recently announced that OneStopParking.com suffered from a data breach exposing customer credit card data. According to the report, the breach occurred due to missing patches in the application’s Joomla install. Apparently the patches caused some problems with the application so they were pushed back. The patches in question were released in September of 2014. Take-Aways Implement a patch management program Use a web application firewall (WAF) for extended coverage It is common … [Read more...] about OneStopParking Breach Thoughts and Takeaways
MoonPig Take-Aways
It was recently released that there were some security concerns with how the Moonpig, an online greetings card company in the UK, utilizes their API for mobile applications. From the public disclosure of a vulnerability found in their API it may be possible for a user to see other user’s personal information, including last 4 of their credit card number, expiration date and name. This is a great opportunity to look at some of the security issues and how they can be avoided in your … [Read more...] about MoonPig Take-Aways
Welcome to the brand new DevelopSec website. The goal of this site is to provide useful information for IT professionals to help develop better security practices. All too often, we see that there are professionals that are working very hard to create great products, but do not have the security information they need. Breaches are happening every day and many wonder why it matters. We hope to make an impact and show how we can learn from the breaches or other security incidents that occur so … [Read more...] about Welcome