You have been working hard for the past few weeks or months on the latest round of features for your flagship product. You are excited. The team is excited. Then a security test identifies a vulnerability. Balloons deflate and everyone starts to scramble. Take a breath. Not all vulnerabilities are created equal and the risk that each presents is vastly different. The organization should already have a process for triaging security findings. That process should be assessing the risk of the … [Read more...] about Does the End of an Iteration Change Your View of Risk?
application security
Password Storage Overview
Start reading the news and you are bound to read about another data breach involving user credentials. Whether you get any details about how the passwords (that were stolen) were stored, we can assume that in many of these cases that they were not well protected. Maybe they were stored in clear text (no, it can't be true), or use weak hashes. Passwords hold the key to our access to most applications. What are you doing to help protect them? First, lets just start with recommending that the … [Read more...] about Password Storage Overview
Unsupported Browser Support
Ok, so the title is a bit counter-intuitive. I recently saw an article talking about the end of support for some of the Internet Explorer versions out there ( and got to thinking about the number of sites that still require supporting some of these older versions of browsers. This is typically more common in the big corporate enterprises, as they have the … [Read more...] about Unsupported Browser Support
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS): Overview
A while back I asked the question "Is HTTP being left behind for HTTPS?". If you are looking to make the move to an HTTPS only web space one of the settings you can configure is HTTP Strict Transport Security, or HSTS. The idea behind HSTS is that it will tell the browser to only communicate with the web site over a secure channel. Even if the user attempts to switch to HTTP, the browser will make the change before it even sends the request. HSTS is implemented as a response header with a … [Read more...] about HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS): Overview
Tips for Securing Test Servers/Devices on a Network
How many times have you wanted to see how something worked, or it looked really cool, so you stood up an instance on your network? You are trying out Jenkins, or you stood up a new Tomcat server for some internal testing. Do you practice good security procedures on these systems? Do you set strong passwords? Do you apply updates? These devices or applications are often overlooked by the person that stood them up, and probably unknown to the security team. It may seem as though these systems … [Read more...] about Tips for Securing Test Servers/Devices on a Network
Disabling Paste for Passwords?
Passwords, while a simple concept, are one of the most complex issues in security. A majority of user authenticated systems rely on a password to verify the end user. Over the years we have seen many different recommendations for strong passwords. I have talked about this subject many times. The complexity, while difficult to define, has gotten more difficult over time. At first, it was 8 characters with upper, lower case characters and a number or special character. The focus has … [Read more...] about Disabling Paste for Passwords?