Do you rely on content distribution networks or CDNs to provide some of your resources? You may not consider some of your resources in this category, but really it is any resource that is provided outside of your server. For example, maybe you pull in the jQuery JavaScript file from rather than hosting the file on your server. These CDNs provide a great way to give fast access to these resources. But how do you know you are getting the file you expect? As an … [Read more...] about Sub Resource Integrity – SRI
Using the AWS disruption to your advantage
By now you have heard of the amazon issues that plagued many websites a few days ago. I want to talk about one key part of the issue that often gets overlooked. If you read through their message describing their service disruption ( you will notice a section where they discuss some changes to the tools they use to manage their systems. So let's take a step back for a moment. Amazon attributed the service disruption to basically a simple mistake … [Read more...] about Using the AWS disruption to your advantage
Security Tips for Copy/Paste of Code From the Internet
Developing applications has long involved using code snippets found through textbooks or on the Internet. Rather than re-invent the wheel, it makes sense to identify existing code that helps solve a problem. It may also help speed up the development time. Years ago, maybe 12, I remember a co-worker that had a SQL Injection vulnerability in his application. The culprit, code copied from someone else. At the time, I explained that once you copy code into your application it is now your … [Read more...] about Security Tips for Copy/Paste of Code From the Internet
Secure Notification Updates in FireFox and Chrome
There has been a steady increase in the number of applications that have switched to using HTTPS instead of HTTP for communication. Even sites that have no sensitive information or authentication mechanisms. Using HTTPS provides authentication and a secure channel to transmit data between client and server. The authentication verifies that you are communicating with the organization you thought you were. This secure transmission is meant to stop other parties from being able to read or … [Read more...] about Secure Notification Updates in FireFox and Chrome
Remember Me Features
Tired of constantly logging into your applications? Don't you wish they would just remember you each time you visit, logging you right in? It isn't as always easy to achieve such a status. There are multiple ways remember me can be implemented. Lets take a look at some of them. Remember UserName One of the most common ways for a site to implement the remember me functionality is to remember the username only. The username is typically stored in a cookie on the client's computer. … [Read more...] about Remember Me Features
MongoDBs under attack from ransomware
In recent news, it was identified that MongoDB databases are being exposed on the internet and infected with ransomeware. In a little under a week, the infection count went from 200 to 10,000. That is a quick ramp up. In this case, misconfigurations may bind the database port to the public interface, while also allowing anonymous access. This combination can be devastating. Doing a quick search on Shodan you may find there are thousands of misconfigured MondoDB servers exposed on the … [Read more...] about MongoDBs under attack from ransomware